What is this new term in healthcare — precision wellness?

The science behind your wellbeing.

Mehak Saluja
5 min readJan 5, 2022
Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash

Six weeks ago, I began working with a precision healthcare brand and uncovered an industry that’s in vogue, and here to stay. As I found myself digging deeper into a goldmine of information, I realised knowledge is the easiest way to build healthier habits. I remember a time when three servings of ice cream (at once!) was normal behaviour for me. Over the years, the wealth of information about different foods and their impact on the body has nudged me to lead a healthier lifestyle. So when I started researching about precision health, I was blown by how much your gut health impacts your overall health — from the skin to your digestion and even your mental wellbeing.

We’re more bacteria than you’d like to imagine!

Your gut lining (aka gut microbiome) is a complex ecosystem that is home to trillions of microorganisms, which help regulate the body’s functions. Picture Rajiv Chowk in Delhi or the Mumbai local in a pre-pandemic era during peak office hours. Or a Narendra Modi rally in the pandemic era (ha!). Every inch of real estate is crowded with people. Now imagine that at a cellular, microscopic level. That’s what your gut looks like!

A diverse set of bacteria helps with nutrient absorption, digestion, and also supports the immune system. When the diversity of gut bacteria is altered, it can lead to an imbalanced gut (aka gut dysbiosis), eventually contributing to weight gain, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. It could also lead to other health concerns like reduced immunity, skin or hair problems and issues in mental health.

So what exactly is Precision Health?

Your overall health is shaped by:

  • What you are born with — your genetic code or DNA
  • What inhabits you — your gut microbiome or gut bacteria
  • What surrounds you — your environment & lifestyle

Precision health allows you to identify gene mutations in patients with undiagnosed conditions. By offering data and insights that are backed by science, it helps you make lifestyle interventions that are best suited to your body and its unique needs.

So, if you’ve been battling recurring symptoms with no clear clinical diagnosis or find it increasingly difficult to shed pounds despite experimenting with nutrition plans and fitness fads — your genetics and gut health could be at play.

Let’s take a quick look at what all the gut bacteria do for us:

  1. Breaks down food and helps in nutrient absorption
  2. Controls digestive function
  3. Promotes resilient brain functioning
  4. Makes hormones, proteins and vitamins
  5. Regulates your mood
  6. Reduces frequent illnesses by fortifying your immunity
  7. Impacts mental health (an imbalance can lead to conditions like autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, as well as chronic pain)

So, if gut bacteria is so important how can you ensure there’s always a healthy balance?

  1. Diet: Incorporate gut-friendly foods like plant protein, fibre, whole grains, bananas, greens, soybeans, onion, garlic and artichokes. A diet rich in polyphenols such as — blueberries, almonds, dark chocolate, seeds, green tea, broccoli. Incorporating low glycemic carbohydrates and antioxidants while reducing dairy also helps balance the gut naturally.
  2. Fitness Routine: Regular exercise helps boost the good bacteria in the gut lining. The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (two key phyla that predominate your gut) is a marker of obesity. Exercise helps manage this FB ratio thereby making it easier to manage weight gain.
  3. Managing Mental Health: The gut-brain connection is real. A troubled or anxious mind sends signals to the gut. Therefore, very often you experience digestive issues or intestinal distress when you are stressed. By practising meditation, deep breathing, grounding exercises or mindful living, you can further improve your gut health.

Role of probiotics

Do probiotics help? Yes, and No.

A probiotic supplement essentially contains a certain type or types of bacteria, which are known to improve overall gut health. Since we already know gut health improves overall immunity, a lot of people have begun to incorporate these supplements into their diet. Ingesting probiotics that are dominant in a certain type of bacteria, over a period of time, WILL disturb the equilibrium of your gut. So, never start taking these probiotic supplements without consulting your General Practitioner or a certified Nutritionist. What you can do instead is — incorporate foods that are rich in probiotics in your everyday diet.

What’s changing?

It’s not about treating the symptoms anymore. It’s about understanding the root cause of the recurring symptom, to approach illness more holistically.

DNA, genetics and gut health are increasing being spoken about in the field of wellness and healthcare. Why? Because each one of us carries a genetic code that is unique to us. Therefore, a wellness plan that works for someone else may not necessarily work for you.

One size does not fit all.

It’s not just the CoronaVirus that’s mutating, your genes too mutate over generations. This predisposes you to health risks that already exist in your family. It doesn’t necessarily mean that if your father or mother is diabetic you will be too. Understanding your genetic code and gut health only puts you at an advantage to identify potential health risks and incorporate a healthier lifestyle, one that’s truly meant for you. In addition to genetics, your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your overall health. Epigenetics is another buzzword that studies how the environment and other factors can alter the way that genes are expressed.

When there are viruses in the environment, as with the pandemic, we are in a better position to stay healthy if we continually work towards bolstering our immunity.

What’s more?

Several organisations offer testing kits that sample your DNA and gut microbiome to offer a holistic wellness plan. You can stay ahead of the curve by identifying illnesses ahead of time, something that wasn’t possible before.

Disclaimer: The world of precision wellness is huge. I have only encapsulated a part of my research as an attempt to break it down for educational purposes only. This does not substitute for professional medical advice. I am not a medical health practitioner or professional. The opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views of my employer. If you feel any aspect has been misrepresented in the article, you can write to me here.


